Homepage Egepen Pvc Windows Systems Egepen Zendow Plus


General Features

Due to the perfect design and aesthetic, the Zendow PLUS PVC Window and Door System easily fits the style of your home. The System is designed to perfectly suit your requirements.


Designed in 5 chambers and, 70 mm frame width, the Zendow PLUS PVC Window and Door System provide an excellent performance in respect to heat insulation. The base heat transmission coefficient (Uf) of the system is 1,3 - 1,4 W/m2K as found out as a result of the tests carried out in the IFT Rosenheim. For the applications with the middle gasket, UF is certified as 1,3 W/m2K.


Acoustic insulation is very important for noisy living spaces of the modern world. The Zendow Plus System incorporates 2-chamber fuses providing better acoustic insulation than those manually inserted. In addition, the existing features of PVC and the multi chamber structure of the Zendow Plus System transforms noisy environments to perfect living spaces. Even in locations with intense traffic interference requiring a maximum level of acoustic insulation.


Due to the product range offered, the Zendow PLUS PVC Window and Door System fits each detail you may require. The static meeting rails and front profiles provide the best solutions even in areas of strong wind.


The doors and windows in the Zendow PLUS PVC Window and Door System create a healthier environment due to the higher level of insulation and features such as longevity, low maintenance and 100% recyclability and reprocess-ability at the end of the economic life..

Technical Features

Profile Width : 70 mm
Number of Cubicles: 5
Number of Gaskets: 2/3 (Middle Gasket)
Gasket: TPE Gray/ Black
Lath: Single Nail – PCE Gasket
Glass Thickness : 4, 20, 24, 30, 36, 44 mm
Standard: TS EN 12608-1 A Class
Heat Conductivity Coefficient: Uf: 1.3 W/m2K (orta gasket) Uf: 1.4 W/m2K

PVC Pencere Sistemi

Color Options

Zendow Plus PVC Window System fulfills our customer’s expectations by offering a variety of color options. 

Zendow Plus Brochure

News About Us


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